Larry is placed adjacent to the awesomebar
There’s an article on mozillaZine introducing some of the new features we’ll soon be able to use in Firefox 3.
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There’s an article on mozillaZine introducing some of the new features we’ll soon be able to use in Firefox 3.
Start Slide Show with PicLens LiteIf, like me, you’re job is maintaining a large Visual Basic 6 application you’ll know the pain of creating context menus. You’d like them on the form you’re working with, but if its an MDI child form you’re forced to place them on a different form if you want to see your MDI parent forms menus while your child form has the focus.
This isn’t fun, because you know how two places for code that should all be together. Not to mention that most of the time you’re creating menus at design time, not at run-time.
In the past I’ve come up with ways of at least keeping the code in the form showing the menu by having the menus simply set a return value which the calling form can then just read and do whatever with.
Recently I read an example of run-time menus (I forget where) that used the idea of control arrays to allow for creation of menus at runtime. I liked this idea and ran with it.
Here, I offer up a couple of classes for simple creation and use of context menus at run-time in a VB6 application. It uses no weird system DLL calls. I hope it saves someone weeping over menus. It did me.
Start Slide Show with PicLens LiteThe Megatron. But… no.
Peep Show series 5, this Friday.
Clips from the new Peep Show at Chortle (Thanks for sharing these Nick).
Producers yesterday revealed a movie version of the television sci-fi favourite is in production. Filming for Quantum of Solace has already started and it should be in cinemas 7th November 2008.
Some interesting new characters were introduced in the press release to be played by Olga Kurylenko and Gemma Arterton, while Daniel Craig will play returning character Jimmy. No mention yet on who is to play Sam and Al.
Start Slide Show with PicLens LiteThey’ve only gone and done it. Major HTML update unveiled.
I’d only just got used to HTML 3.02.
Start Slide Show with PicLens Lite…Helena Bonham in Sweeney Todd.
Helena Bonham Carter Talks About Her Boobs
Start Slide Show with PicLens LiteSaw this trailer for a new Pixar film at the weekend, when Adam showed us all his new cinema. A cinema which is only a couple of their own Wall-E’s away from getting rid of the fleshy meat bags itself…
There are some different, higher quality trailers at Apple’s trailer site.
No disassemble!
Came across this site for quickly testing the speed of your broadband connection. It’s a lot of fun watching the needle on the ’speedo’ race around. Small things…
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